• API 11B Sucker Rod Coupling

    API 11B Sucker Rod Coupling

    Us bedriuw produsearre coupling ynklusyf sucker rod coupling, sub-coupling en spray coupling, se binne ûntwerp neffens API Spec 11 B standard.Using de hege kwaliteit koalstof stiel of alloy stiel (it lykweardich fan AISI 1045 en AISI 4135) en plating metaal is in soarte fan oerflak ferhurding technology, is it nikkel, chromium, borium en silisium poeder coated op it substraat metaal en fusearre mei de laser ferwurking, nei it proses, it metalen oerflak makket hurder, tichtheid heger en mear unifoarm, de wriuwing koeffizient is tige low and the corrosion resistance is very high. Slim gat (SH) diameter en standert grutte (FS) fan konvinsjonele sucker roede en gepolijst roede hawwe plating metaal (SM) .Under normale omstannichheden, der is twa wrench op de coupling en de bûten sirkel, mar neffens brûker kinne wy ​​ek foarsjen no wrench square.Hardness of coupling T is HRA56-62 after heat treatment, with good corrosion resistance and wear resistance, when using sucker rod coupling,is connecting with the same size rod, sub-coupling is used for connecting to difference size of the sucker rod of ferbine de gepolijst roede en rod string .Coupling type: Klasse T (folsleine grutte en slim gat), Klasse SM (folsleine grutte en slim gat).